About Sustain-A-Grain


What We Do

Sustain-A-Grain has a two-part mission: to introduce consumers to Kernza® perennial grain and to support family farms in growing Kernza®. We have been growing Kernza® ourselves for nearly 5 years in close collaboration with The Land Institute—where Kernza® was first developed. We are certified seed dealers, handlers, and growers. We also work with dozens of farmers across the Great Plains to grow and market their grain. And we work with food companies, restaurants, breweries, and distilleries to source high-quality Kernza®. If you want to get started with Kernza®, we can help.

The Team

Brandon Kaufman is a 4th generation Kansas farmer and rancher who is heavily involved in regenerative agriculture and was one of the first farmers to grow Kernza®.

Dr. Brandon Schlautman is a perennial crop scientist with deep knowledge of Kernza®’s genetic and agronomic characteristics. He is also a farmer and rancher.

Read Our Washington Post Interview

The Washington Post interviews Brandon Kaufman about Sustain-A-Grain and our work with Kernza® perennial grain.

