Sustain-A-Grain Growers


What We Do

Kernza® is a new crop and best management practices are still being established. With our experience as farmers and ag researchers, Sustain-A-Grain is working with growers to identify and share practices which will further improve Kernza®’s profitability and sustainability. 

Sustain-A-Grain is building a coalition of growers across the Great Plains, starting in Central Kansas. We are looking for partners who share our goals.

How do I get involved?

If you’re interested in purchasing Kernza® seed or learning more about Kernza® production, please fill out our contact form and tell us about your operation and level of interest.

 Is Kernza® the right crop for me?

As a perennial grain with a market still in development, Kernza® poses unique opportunities and challenges that should be fully considered.

  • Kernza® mimics the perennial prairie grasses that are native to the Great Plains. By eliminating tillage, it can be a good option for regenerating your soil and improving ecosystem health.

  • Kernza® can be grazed during certain periods each year. This can further add to the economic sustainability of the crop.

  • Kernza® should follow corn, alfalfa, or short-season beans, not cereals, in your rotation.

  • Current varieties of Kernza® have a 3-5 year productive window before rotating to the next crop. The first year may have limited grain production.

  • Kernza® can be harvested with traditional equipment with a few modifications.

  • Sustain-A-Grain is currently developing storage options for participating growers. Until those facilities are up and running, you’ll likely need to dedicate some on-farm storage to Kernza®.